The Most Important Podcast
A show about saving the world, because we have to -- and about rock and roll, because I want to.
The Most Important Podcast takes a serious look at a few, simple questions: What is the most important problem in the world? How would we find it, and How do we solve it? It interviews politicians, academics, journalists, musicians, and more, to try to get the answers that will set us, as a species, in the right direction.
Expect occasional swearing.
The Most Important Podcast
Why We Don't Have Working Class Politicians, w/Prof. Nicholas Carnes: Part 1
Nicholas Carnes is a professor of political science at Duke, where he studies the reasons there are so few politicians with working class backgrounds, what consequences that has for the country, and what we might be able to do about it. We talk about his book The Cash Ceiling and how its conclusions fit with my own work, which finds that public financing for campaigns is a major predictor of national life satisfaction. Part 1 of 2.
Professor Carnes' excellent book can be purchased here: