The Most Important Podcast
A show about saving the world, because we have to -- and about rock and roll, because I want to.
The Most Important Podcast takes a serious look at a few, simple questions: What is the most important problem in the world? How would we find it, and How do we solve it? It interviews politicians, academics, journalists, musicians, and more, to try to get the answers that will set us, as a species, in the right direction.
Expect occasional swearing.
The Most Important Podcast
An Interview with, and Remembrance of, Robert Altemeyer
Robert Anthony Altemeyer, or "Dr. Bob," was one of my personal heroes. I firmly believe his research on authoritarian psychology, which he studied for over half a century, should be required reading for the world. To my great sadness, and that of all those who knew him, Dr. Bob passed away just a few months after this interview. We talk about his research, and I take the opportunity to talk briefly about how much it meant to me.
The interview covers the authoritarian personality, including Bob's studies with the Global Change Game, in which authoritarian players end the world -- twice. We also discuss democracy, Bob's favorite research, and how to understand Donald Trump's followers.
Jean Altemeyer's moving tribute to her husband can be found here, along with the many memories of friends and family:
Bob's masterpiece The Authoritarians can be downloaded for free at
https://theauthoritarians.org/, and an excellent audiobook version with Bob himself as narrator can be found on Audible. His most recent book Authoritarian Nightmare, co-authored with John Dean, can be found here: